Review MAC Keyboard Shortcuts – Short Instruction

Every Mac OS user can quickly speed up some daily tasks without using the trackpad and UI system. For this purpose, MAC keyboard shortcuts have been created that are very simple. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to get a particular result much faster than a mouse, like the familiar Copy Copy-and-paste combination.

Next, you will be able to learn the essential keys that will help you more effectively use the capabilities of your computer or laptop. This MAC shortcuts cheat sheet will increase your productivity and speed of work and help you get used to using the keyboard faster. Look at the basic and most essential computer shortcuts you can use.

The most important keyboard shortcuts in MAC

Advanced users, in one way or another, could already use some combinations that simplify the process of working with the computer. Please familiarize yourself with the MAC keyboard shortcuts, considered the most important and basic ones. This section is suitable for beginners who are discovering how to work with this operating system.

Command (⌘) + ACopy the selected item to the clipboard for further pasting.
Command (⌘) + FSearch for elements in the document or open the search window.
Command (⌘) + GFind an element by matching specific characters.
Command (⌘) + HHide the front app’s windows.
Command (⌘) + MMinimize the front window to the Dock.
Command (⌘) + NCreate a new document or open a new window.
Command (⌘) + OOpen the selected item or a file browser to choose a file to open.
Command (⌘) + PPrint the selected document or file.
Command (⌘) + QQuit the open application.
Command (⌘) + SSave the document currently being edited.
Command (⌘) + VPaste the item from the clipboard into the document.
Command (⌘) + WClose the front app’s window.
Command (⌘) + XCut the selected item and copy it to the clipboard.
Command (⌘) + ZUndo the last action.
Command (⌘) + Opt + EscForce quit the selected or open app.
Command (⌘) + TabSwitch between currently open apps.
Command (⌘) + Shift + Tilde (~)Switch between windows.
Command (⌘) + Shift + 3Take a screenshot of the full screen.
Command (⌘) + Shift + 4Take a screenshot of a selected area.

These are the basic MAC shortcuts that are most commonly used. They can be applied to individual applications as well as documents. In addition, you can also study the printable MAC keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet to help you send the proper documents for printing faster.

Similar shortcuts in MAC

Since the previous section mentioned MAC shortcuts for document design, we offer additional combinations for these actions. You can use them in a regular document, spreadsheet format, or presentation design. We have included a handy table to make learning MAC excel shortcuts easier.

Command (⌘) + BToggle bold formatting for selected text.
Command (⌘) + IToggle italic formatting.
Command (⌘) + UToggle underline for the selected text.
Command (⌘) + TShow or hide the “Fonts” window.
Command (⌘) + DOpen or save when selecting a folder in the dialog box.
Command (⌘) + Ctrl + DShow or hide the highlighted word.
Command (⌘) + :Highlight all possible spelling and grammar mistakes.
Command (⌘) + ;Search for errors in the document and highlight them.
Opt + Del or Ctrl + HExclude text to the left of the selected location.
Ctrl + KExcludes text between the selected location and the end of the line.
Command (⌘) + DelDelete the editable item or file without saving.
Ctrl + DExcludes text on the right side of the selected location.
Fn + 🔼Scroll up one page.
Fn + 🔽Scroll down one page.
Fn + ◀Go to the beginning of the document.
Fn + ▶Go to the end of the document.
Command (⌘) + 🔼Move the insertion point to the beginning.
Command (⌘) + 🔽Move the insertion point to the end.
Command (⌘) + ◀Move the insertion point to the beginning of the line.
Command (⌘) + ▶Move the insertion point to the end of the line.
Opt + ◀Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.
Opt + ▶Move the insertion point to the end of the previous word.
Command (⌘) + Shift + 🔼Select text near the insertion point and starts.
Command (⌘) + Shift + 🔽Select text between the insertion point and the end.
Command (⌘) + Shift + ◀Select text between the insertion point and the start of the line.
Command (⌘) + Shift + ▶Select text between the insertion point and the end of the line.
Shift + 🔼Extend text selection to the closest character on the line above.
Shift + 🔽Extend text selection to the closest character on the line below.
Shift + ◀Extends the text selection to the left by 1 character.
Shift + ▶Extends the text selection to the right by 1 character.
Shift + Opt + 🔼Extend text selection to the beginning of the paragraph.
Shift + Opt + 🔽Extend text selection to the end of the paragraph.
Shift + Opt + ◀Extend text selection to the beginning of the word.
Shift + Opt + ▶Extend text selection to the end of the word.
Ctrl + AMove to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl + BMove one character backward.
Ctrl + EMove to the end of the line.
Ctrl + FMove one character forward.
Ctrl + LCenter the cursor or selection.
Ctrl + NMove down one line.
Ctrl + OInsert a new line after the current line.
Ctrl + PMove up one line.
Ctrl + TSwap characters around the insertion point.
(⌘) + {Align text to the left.
(⌘) + }Align text to the right.
(⌘) + Shift +Align text to the center.
(⌘) + Opt + FSearch for a specific phrase or word.
(⌘) + Opt + TShow or hide the toolbar.
(⌘) + Opt + CCopy formatting of the selected item.
(⌘) + Opt + VPaste formatting of the selected item.
(⌘) + Shift + Opt + VApply the surrounding content’s style to the selection.
(⌘) + Opt + IShow or hide the Inspector window.
(⌘) + Shift + PAdjust general page settings.
(⌘) + Shift + SOpen the save dialog to specify the file name and location.
(⌘) + Shift + “-”Decrease the size of the text or element.
(⌘) + Shift + “+”Increase the size of the text or element.
Command (⌘) + Shift + “?”Open the Help menu for additional information.
Ctrl + Command (⌘) + FEnter fullscreen mode.
Ctrl + Command (⌘) + SpaceShow the “Characters” panel to select emojis or other symbols.
Command (⌘) + TabOpen the next program among currently open apps.
Command (⌘) + `Switch between already used apps.

Allows you to switch between programs that are already in use by the user

You can easily use excel shortcuts MAC or in documents for its proper layout. Such shortcuts can help you work with documents and spreadsheets more efficiently and productively. To use any of the combinations, you need to press and hold one or more keys and then click on the last key of the combination. For example, you must press Command (⌘) and Shift first and then the? Icon to open the Help menu.

Finder MAC Shortcuts

This section is designed to help you review useful MAC command shortcuts. Each combination may be handy when working with the Finder, and learning all the essential elements and functions will help you operate comfortably.

Command (⌘) + DCreate a duplicate of the previously selected file.
Command (⌘) + EEject the selected file.
Command (⌘) + FSpotlight search in the Finder window.
Command (⌘) + IThe “Information” window of a particular document.
Cmd (⌘) + Shift + COpen the “Computer” window.
Cmd (⌘) + Shift + DOpen the Desktop folder.
Cmd (⌘) + Shift + FOpen the “Recents” folder.
Cmd (⌘) + Shift + GOpen the “Go to Folder” dialog.
Cmd (⌘) + Shift + HOpen the current user’s Home folder.
Cmd (⌘) + Shift + IOpen iCloud Drive.
(⌘) + Shift + KOpen the “Network” window.
(⌘) + Shift + LOpen the “Downloads” folder.
(⌘) + Shift + OOpen the “Documents” folder.
(⌘) + Shift + ROpen AirDrop.
(⌘) + Shift + UOpen the “Applications” folder.
(⌘) + Opt + DShow or hide the Dock if not in Finder.
(⌘) + Ctrl + TAdd an item to the sidebar.
(⌘) + Opt + PHide or show the path bar in Finder.
(⌘) + Opt + SHide or show the Finder sidebar.
(⌘) + SlashHide or show the Finder status bar.
(⌘) + JShow view options.
(⌘) + KOpen “Connect to Server” dialog.
(⌘) + LCreate an alias for the selected file.
(⌘) + NOpen a new Finder window.
(⌘) + Shift + NCreate a new folder and rename it.
(⌘) + Opt + NCreate a new smart folder.
(⌘) + RShow the original file for the selected alias.
(⌘) + TShow or hide the tab bar in Finder.
(⌘) + Shift + TShow or hide Finder tabs.
(⌘) + Opt + TShow or hide the Finder toolbar when one tab is open.
(⌘) + Opt + VMove files from the clipboard to the current location.
(⌘) + Opt + YStart a slideshow of the selected files.
Cmd (⌘) + YQuick Look for selected files.
Cmd (⌘) + 1View items as icons in Finder.
Cmd (⌘) + 2View items as a list in Finder.
Cmd (⌘) + 3View items as columns in Finder.
Cmd (⌘) + 4View items as Cover Flow in Finder.
Cmd (⌘) + Left [Go to the previous folder.
Cmd (⌘) + Right ]Go to the next folder.
Cmd (⌘) + UpOpen the parent folder of the currently open folder.
Cmd (⌘) + Ctrl + UpOpen the parent folder in a new window.
Cmd (⌘) + DownOpen the selected item.
Cmd (⌘) + Mission ControlShow the desktop.
Cmd (⌘) + Brightness UpToggle target display mode.
Right ArrowOpen the selected folder in list view.
Left ArrowClose the selected folder in list view.
Opt + Double-click OpenOpen a folder in a separate window.
Cmd (⌘) + Double-click OpenOpen a folder in a separate tab.
Cmd (⌘) + DeleteMove the item to the Trash.
Cmd (⌘) + Shift + DeleteEmpty the Trash.
Cmd (⌘) + Shift + Opt + DeleteEmpty the Trash without confirmation.
Opt + Brightness UpDisplay settings.
Opt + Mission ControlMission Control settings.
Opt + Volume UpSound volume settings.
Cmd (⌘) + Key while draggingMove the item to a specific location.
Opt key while draggingCopy the dragged item.
Cmd (⌘) + Opt + DraggingCreate an alias of the dragged item.

Here, you can also see MAC trackpad shortcuts. Although abandoning the mouse or touchpad while working completely is impossible, these combinations will make your work more productive and efficient. First, Finder allows the user to view, organize, or access everything on the computer.

Finder lets you find all the folders, images, audio, and video files you need. Also, remember that when you use the mouse or touchpad, you can change the files available in the Finder. For example, pressing hard on a file icon will allow you to view the contents, and if you click on the name, you can rename the file.

MAC startup shortcuts

Additionally, we offer helpful MAC desktop shortcuts to help you start or restart your computer. Shortcuts can help you access different system functions and modes. For example, some MAC accent shortcuts will help you enter system restore, boot disk selection, or safe mode.

Shift (⇧)Start the computer in Safe Mode.
Option (⌥)Launch the Startup Manager.
CBoot from a USB, DVD, or CD drive.
DLaunch Apple Diagnostics or Apple Hardware Test.
Opt + DRun Apple Hardware Test or Apple Diagnostics via the network.
NBoot from a compatible NetBoot server.
Opt + NBoot from NetBoot with the default boot image.
Cmd (⌘) + RBoot from macOS Recovery.
Cmd (⌘) + Opt + RBoot from macOS Recovery via the network.
Cmd (⌘) + Opt + P + RReset NVRAM. Release the keys after the startup sound.
Cmd (⌘) + SBoot in Single User Mode.
TBoot in Target Disk Mode.
XBoot from the default macOS startup disk.

These combinations will significantly help when starting your computer, especially if the device does not want to do it independently or gives errors. We also additionally suggest you study the recommendations on how to use these keys and combinations:

  • press and hold all keys together, not one at a time;
  • if the combination does not work when the computer restarts, turn it off. If the computer cannot be turned on afterward, press the power button and hold it down for 10 seconds until it turns on. After that, also turn off the device using the power button and hold down the desired combination. You should do this after a few seconds before turning it on;
  • if you use a wireless keyboard, connect it to the device. We also recommend that you try using either a wired or built-in keyboard, as the device may not be able to recognize your combination due to the lack of connection via a wireless keyboard;
  • if the key combinations don’t work, turn off the firmware password.

Such simple recommendations will help you quickly set up your computer, and the best MAC shortcuts will enable the correct mode if needed. With the right combination of actions and combinations, your computer will remain intact, unharmed, and in working order.

Other MAC application shortcuts

Regarding quickly moving between different applications, various combinations are also ready to help. With a few keys, you can quickly move between different programs. To optimize this format of work, we suggest you learn the best combinations that will help you simplify your tasks.

Opt + Cmd(⌘) + DShow or hide the document
Cmd(⌘) + TabSwitch application
TabSelect the next item
Cmd(⌘) + Up ArrowMove up one item
Cmd(⌘) + Down ArrowMove down one item
Page Up or CTRL + Up ArrowMove up one page
Page Down or CTRL + Down ArrowMove down one page
Opt + Drag CopyCopy to a new location
Opt + Cmd(⌘) + DragCreate a shortcut in a new location
Cmd(⌘) + DragMove to a new location without copying beforehand
Shift + Cmd(⌘) + CShow the color palette in the application
Cmd(⌘) + TShow the font palette in the application
Cmd(⌘) + Shift + 3Take a screenshot
Cmd(⌘) + Shift + 4Take a screenshot of a selected area
Cmd(⌘) + Shift + 4, then CTRLTake a screenshot and place it in the clipboard
Opt + Cmd(⌘) + ESCForce quit
CTRL + EjectRestart or open the “Sleep/Shutdown” dialog box
CTRL + Cmd(⌘) + EjectClose all applications and restart
Opt + Cmd(⌘) + Eject or Opt + Cmd(⌘) + PowerPut the system into sleep mode
Cmd(⌘) + Click on a toolbar buttonToggle between available windows in the toolbar

Every user may know such familiar combinations as MAC copy paste shortcut. But all the above keys can speed up the work or fix your computer in just a few minutes. Therefore, we recommend using them to optimize your own time.

We also want to remind you that most operations use the Monitor application. You can study all the processes performed in it. Use the search bar and press the “M” button to find it. You can view a list of all running processes and programs in the dialog box. This will also help you examine the RAM and CPU utilization.

About the Author


Dan Hooker

I’m Dan Hooker, a dedicated expert in computer technology with a strong passion for innovation and problem-solving. With years of experience in IT infrastructure, software development, and emerging tech trends, I specialize in designing efficient and scalable solutions that drive technological advancements. My expertise lies in optimizing systems, implementing cutting-edge technologies, and staying ahead of industry trends to create smart, future-proof solutions. Technology is constantly evolving, and I thrive on turning complex challenges into streamlined, effective strategies that make a real impact.

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